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South Korean DJ Spins EDM with Buddha’s Teachings


South Korean DJ Spins EDM with Buddha’s Teachings for Buddha’s Birthday Celebration.

In a unique fusion of electronic dance music (EDM) and spiritual teachings, South Korean DJ NewJeansNim captivated a large crowd at the annual lotus lantern festival in Seoul. The event, organized to celebrate Buddha’s birthday, showcased the DJ, clad in monk’s robes and a shaved head, not for meditation, but to spin tracks that had fans chanting and dancing.

Known offstage as Youn Sung-ho, a 47-year-old comedian and former model well recognized by his TV character name “bbakoo,” he has transitioned from television screens to live performances under his monastic stage persona. Drawing from the title “Sunim,” a term of respect for Buddhist monks, DJ NewJeansNim uses his platform to blend pulsating EDM beats with the peaceful sutras of Buddhism, attracting a youthful audience and promoting a fresh perspective on spiritual teachings.

DJ NewJeansNim

His innovative approach has garnered support from the Buddhist community, especially from Venerable Jinwoo, head of the Jogye Order—South Korea’s largest Buddhist sect with around 10 million followers. On April 30, Venerable Jinwoo honored DJ NewJeansNim with prayer beads and a headset, symbolizing his role in spreading hope and happiness among the younger generation.

Lee Hyo-min, a 25-year-old fan, finds DJ NewJeansNim’s approach refreshing, contrasting with the traditional image of monks as pious and reserved. “He is really fresh and new because normally when you think about monks they are pious and quiet. I thought he was really hip,” Lee remarked.

This novel interpretation of Buddhist teachings through music is enhancing the appeal of Buddhism among South Korea’s youth, making spirituality accessible and engaging in a modern format. DJ NewJeansNim is committed to continuing his performances wherever called upon, aiming to ease the way for young people to embrace Buddhism.

Credits: Reuters

Flav Gabry
Flav Gabryhttp://flavgabry.com
Flav Gabry, the creator of Groover City, brings over three decades of experience in radio and television to his role. At this music blog magazine, he leverages his extensive background to deliver professional, insightful content tailored for the music industry.

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