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Emerging Artist: Seeking Support in a Lonely Journey


Emerging music artist seeking support: As an emerging music artist, I’ve often found myself facing a daunting reality: the lack of support from family and friends. This journey, which is supposed to be fuelled by passion and creativity, is often overshadowed by the disappointment of feeling alone in a crowd of familiar faces. It’s a struggle that many artists share, yet it remains a silent battle for most.

Social Media’s Silent Response to Emerging Artists

One of the most disheartening aspects of being an emerging artist is the lack of engagement on social media. When I release a new track, I eagerly await the reactions from my friends list, hoping for likes, shares, and comments that signify support. However, more often than not, my notifications remain quiet, and my posts get lost in the endless scroll of other content.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Take, for example, the release of my latest single. I spent weeks perfecting the sound, creating promotional materials, and scheduling the release. When the day finally arrived, I posted across all my social media platforms, anticipating a wave of excitement and encouragement. Instead, I was met with silence. The few likes and comments that trickled in felt more like obligatory nods rather than genuine support. It’s hard not to feel invisible in such moments.

When Emerging Music Artists Feel Overlooked

Family support is often considered a cornerstone of success. Yet, for many emerging artists, it’s an area fraught with misunderstanding. My own family has struggled to grasp the significance of my musical endeavours. They see it as a hobby rather than a serious pursuit, often advising me to focus on more “practical” career paths.

Photo by Daniel Reche

A fellow artist shared a similar story with me. Despite pouring her heart into her music, her family dismissed it as a phase. During a critical point in her career, when she needed financial and emotional support the most, their lack of belief left her feeling isolated and discouraged.

Finding Solace and Building a Community

Emerging music artist seeking support: Despite these challenges, I’ve learned that it’s crucial to seek solace and build a supportive community elsewhere. Online forums, local music groups, and collaborations with like-minded artists have become my refuge. These spaces offer validation and encouragement, reminding me that I’m not alone in this journey.

Connecting with other musicians who understand the struggle has been invaluable. We share our disappointments and triumphs, offer constructive feedback, and most importantly, provide unwavering support. It’s in these interactions that I find the strength to keep pushing forward.

Conclusion: The Path Ahead

The journey of an emerging music artist is undeniably tough, especially when support from family and friends is lacking. The silent response on social media, the disinterest in real-life interactions, and the misunderstandings within the family can be incredibly disheartening. However, it’s essential to remember that support can come from unexpected places.

Photo by Laura Stanley

Building a network of fellow artists and supporters can make all the difference in an emerging artist’s journey. While the struggle for recognition and support continues, it’s the passion for music that ultimately drives us. And in that passion, we find the resilience to overcome the silence and the strength to keep creating.

When you surround yourself with other artists who share similar dreams and challenges, you create a nurturing environment where creativity can flourish. These connections provide a sense of belonging and a safe space to share your work without fear of judgment. Feedback from fellow musicians is often more insightful and constructive, as they understand the intricacies and challenges of the creative process.

Moreover, collaborations with other artists can lead to exciting new projects and opportunities. Working together can spark new ideas, inspire innovation, and help you reach wider audiences. For instance, a joint project might attract fans from each collaborator, expanding your listener base and creating a ripple effect of support.

Online communities and forums dedicated to music production and artistry are also invaluable resources. Platforms like Reddit, SoundCloud, and specialized music forums offer a space to share your work, seek advice, and connect with other musicians. These communities are often filled with experienced artists willing to mentor and support newcomers, providing a wealth of knowledge and encouragements.

To keep inactive friends on our social media lists?

Yes, it can be beneficial to keep inactive friends on your social media lists for several reasons. People’s interests and engagement levels can change over time, so an inactive friend today might become an active supporter in the future. Having a larger network increases the chances of your posts being seen by a wider audience, even if some of those connections are currently inactive. Additionally, inactive friends might not engage directly with your content, but they could still see it and share it with others who might be interested.

You also never know when a connection might become valuable. An inactive friend could introduce you to someone in the industry or provide unexpected support down the line. However, if your inactive friends significantly outnumber your active ones, it might be worth periodically reviewing your list to maintain a more engaged and supportive community.

If you feel you’re in the same situation, please comment below and share your experiences. Let’s build a community of support for one another.

Author: Flav Gabry / Article photo by Joe Ambrogio

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